National Accounts

Consumption of households and NPISH by region, chained volume at previous year prices, linked series, reference 2018 (billions of chained-pesos)
Sel. Serie 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Region of Arica and Parinacota 846 858 867 876 919 978 1,009 929 1,119 1,115 1,071
Region of Tarapacá 1,652 1,668 1,704 1,678 1,692 1,723 1,730 1,549 1,882 1,899 1,819
Region of Antofagasta 4,202 4,173 4,126 4,006 3,979 4,116 4,201 3,909 4,712 4,754 4,570
Region of Atacama 1,571 1,546 1,539 1,533 1,551 1,605 1,613 1,602 1,915 1,893 1,762
Region of Coquimbo 3,586 3,661 3,696 3,803 3,992 4,196 4,258 4,117 5,027 4,991 4,700
Region of Valparaíso 9,415 9,691 9,952 10,366 10,720 11,091 10,986 10,321 12,362 12,440 11,668
Metropolitan Region of Santiago 52,361 53,497 54,888 56,654 58,776 60,818 60,884 56,013 68,281 69,081 65,087
Region of Libertador General Bernardo O´Higgins 3,608 3,739 3,817 3,961 4,078 4,302 4,436 4,409 5,324 5,297 4,963
Region of Maule 3,819 3,874 3,957 4,157 4,280 4,520 4,614 4,635 5,480 5,472 5,054
Region of Ñuble 1,603 1,631 1,679 1,767 1,856 1,932 1,999 1,963 2,418 2,436 2,284
Region of Biobío 6,636 6,832 6,947 7,134 7,399 7,764 7,864 7,612 9,254 9,290 8,744
Region of La Araucanía 3,525 3,651 3,834 4,077 4,257 4,476 4,589 4,255 5,108 5,142 4,787
Region of Los Ríos 1,461 1,533 1,580 1,680 1,752 1,869 1,887 1,795 2,088 2,146 2,011
Region of Los Lagos 3,782 3,904 4,040 4,251 4,458 4,655 4,721 4,482 5,550 5,622 5,296
Region of Aysén of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 539 551 570 592 629 659 665 602 694 712 682
Region of Magallanes and of La Antártica Chilena 1,217 1,256 1,288 1,326 1,355 1,348 1,358 1,127 1,343 1,391 1,330
Regionalized sub-total 99,810 102,056 104,480 107,860 111,693 116,051 116,816 109,328 132,569 133,690 125,836
Extra-regional consumption 1,211 1,367 1,418 1,537 1,591 1,511 1,609 362 169 1,049 1,792
Consumption of households and NPISH 101,028 103,420 105,894 109,391 113,278 117,562 118,425 109,647 132,661 134,840 127,827