Capital Markets Capital Markets

Capital Markets

This section presents the definitions of the components of the Chilean capital market, the publication calendar, and the equivalence table of the tables published in the Statistical Database (BDE).


Capital Market

It is the financial market that brings together buyers and sellers to trade securities, represented by financial instruments such as bonds (fixed income), stocks (equities), and currencies, among others. Its main participants are issuers of securities, investors, and financial intermediaries, and its objective is to provide financing for projects, which promotes investment and savings in the economy.

Fixed Income

Investment instruments that offer a known return at the time of investment. Issuers commit to returning the principal along with accrued interest over a specified period to those investors who acquired part of the instrument. Two types can be distinguished: financial intermediation (term less than 365 days) and bonds (term greater than 365 days).

Variable Income

Shares representing the ownership or equity of a company or enterprise. Those who acquire these securities become owners or shareholders and, therefore, participate in the company's results.

Credit Market

A financial space where credits are offered and demanded, including mortgage, commercial, and consumer loans. This market is influenced by factors such as interest rates, monetary policy, and global and local economic conditions.

Credit Providers

Banking and non-banking entities whose purpose is to provide financing to individuals or legal entities through loans, such as consumer, mortgage, or commercial credits.

Credit Users

It refers to natural or legal persons who take out loans or credit from the financial system.

Derivatives and Spot

Derivatives are financial instruments or contracts whose value is based on the price of an underlying asset—such as exchange rates, interest rates, inflation units, and bonds, among others. They are characterized by defining a future delivery or settlement date, which in some cases (options) may or may not be exercised. They can be traded in organized markets (exchanges) or over-the-counter (OTC) markets.

Spot transactions are buy/sell transactions in which two currencies are exchanged at a price agreed upon by the parties, with cash settlement typically occurring within up to two banking business days. In spot market statistics, the amounts exchanged upon maturity of derivatives with physical delivery, as well as those traded in FX Swap Spot/Forward contracts, are also considered.

Concept Frequency Publication Lag
TGR Bonds daily 1 day
BCCh Bonds daily 1 day
Stock Market Indicators monthly 1 day
Debt Rates and Flows monthly 7 days or next business day
Banking Sector Loans monthly 7 days or next business day
Mortgage Debt and Flow monthly 7 days or next business day
Commercial Credit Indicators (ICCE) monthly 23 days
Currency Derivatives monthly 23 days
Interest Rate Derivatives monthly 23 days
Unidad de Fomento Derivatives monthly 23 days
Spot monthly 23 days
Mortgage Delinquency monthly 2 months
Business Dynamics Indicators (IDE) monthly 65 days
Profitability of bankng assets monthly 6 months
Housing Price Indices quarterly 4 months
Fixed Income by Issuance Market quarterly 77 days for the first three quarters
83 days for fourth quarter
Market Capitalization quarterly 100 days after the quarter ends
Household /Businesses Macrofinancial Situation quarterly 100 days after the quarter ends
Households, New housing supply quarterly 6 months
Financial Indicators of Supervised Companies quarterly 6 months
Pension Fund Assets quarterly 6 months

Equivalence Table

Capital Markets Table Table in Another Publication Publication Chapter Link
TGR Bonds Stock of Treasury General of the Republic's Debt Instruments Monetary and Financial Statistics BDE link
BCCh Bonds Stock of BCCh Debt Instruments Monetary and Financial Statistics BDE link
Fixed Income by Issuance Market Stock of Fixed Income Securities and Financial Intermediation by Issuance Market National Accounts BDE link
Fixed Income by Issuer and Holder Stock of Fixed Income Securities and Financial Intermediation by Issuer and Holder Sector National Accounts BDE link
Capital Markets Table Table in Another Publication Publication Chapter Link
Market capitalization, economic sector Listed shares by institutional sector, non-financial companies, and banks National Accounts BDE link
Stock exchange indicators Stock exchange indicators Macro Economic Statistics BDE link
Capital Markets Table Table in Another Publication Publication Chapter Link
Suppliers, interest rates, and debt flows Deposit rates (average rate and flow) Interest Rates BDE link
Individual banking sector loans Banking sector loans, loans by type of debtor, individual balances Monetary and Financial Statistics BDE link
Consolidated banking sector loans Banking sector loans, loans by type of debtor, consolidated balances Monetary and Financial Statistics BDE link
Profitability of bankng assets --- New Table BDE link
Users, interest rates, and debt flows, Consumption - in pesos Average placement rate and flow by product type Interest Rates BDE link
Households, general IPV, houses and apartments Housing Price Index (IPV), general and by type of property Experimental Statistics BDE link
Households, macroeconomic situation of households Macroeconomic situation of households National Accounts BDE link
Households, financing, mortgage delinquency Mortgage Loans, Indicators of 90 Days or More Delinquency in the Banking System Housing Market Indicators BDE link
Households, New housing supply --- New Table BDE link
Businesses, Business Dynamics Indicators (IDE) Business Dynamics from Administrative Records Experimental Statistics BDE link
Companies, Commercial Credit Indicators between Companies (ICCE) Commercial credit between companies Experimental Statistics BDE link
Capital Markets Table Table in Another Publication Publication Chapter Link
Financial Indicators of Supervised Companies --- New Table BDE link
Pension Fund assets --- New Table BDE link
Emerging Economies, Volatility --- New Table BDE link
Capital Markets Table Table in Another Publication Publication Chapter Link
Currency Derivatives Currency derivatives amounts outstanding of resident banks, (USD-CLP) Derivatives and Spot BDE link
Interest Rates Derivatives 'Swap Promedio Cámara nominal' derivatives net amounts outstanding of resident banks Derivatives and Spot BDE link
Inflation Derivatives (UF) Inflation derivatives amounts outstanding by counterparty of resident banks Derivatives and Spot BDE link
Spot Spot turnover of resident banks, (USD-CLP) Derivatives and Spot BDE link

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