Public Call for Research Projects

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General Conditions

The research projects submitted to this Call will be governed by the following conditions:

  1. To apply for the Call, a technical proposal must be submitted in line with the research agenda and the objectives and interests of the Bank. Specifically, this means ensuring the stability of the currency and the smooth functioning of domestic and external payments, which includes the regular monitoring of the financial system's status in various macroeconomic aspects, as well as compiling and publishing, in a timely manner, the main national macroeconomic statistics, including those of a monetary and exchange nature, balance of payments, and national accounts or other global economic and social accounting systems.

  2. Proposals related to one of the following research areas will be particularly considered:

    • Financial Intermediation
    • International Finance and Financial Innovations
    • Risks and Vulnerabilities of Credit Users
    • Inflationary Dynamics
    • Structural Change and Trend Growth
    • Risks and Vulnerabilities of Households and Businesses
    • Structural Analysis of Interdependencies between Industries and Foreign Trade
    • Carbon Footprint in National and Global Trade Networks
    • Analysis of the Production Network Concerning Ownership Type (National and Multinational) and Trade Direction (Exporters and Non-Exporters)

  3. Each research area will have a Bank official participating in the project as an author and internal counterpart.

  4. Access to and use of the microdata available at the Bank may only be conducted by the internal counterpart. The external researcher may only access aggregated, anonymized results in accordance with internal regulations.

  5. During the development of the research project, the necessary information for the project may be used, subject to the restrictions and conditions imposed by internal policies and regulations, as well as the agreements signed by the Bank for the transfer of information.

    If the use of information not provided by the Bank is required, the external researcher must have the necessary authorizations for its use, in addition to complying with the terms and conditions agreed upon with the institutions or companies that own the data.

  6. Without prejudice to any subsequent disclosures, the final result must first be published as a Bank Working Paper, which must comply with the existing internal guidelines for this purpose.

    The research project must be published as a Working Paper within 18 months from the start date of the project, extendable by 6 months, without prejudice to the authors continuing to work on improved versions and accessing the necessary information.

  7. The final document associated with the research project must not mention or allow the identification, directly or indirectly, of any natural and/or legal person.

  8. The selected research projects will not entail any payments to the external researcher nor will they incur any associated costs. Notwithstanding the above, external co-authors may receive funding from external sources, in which case the Bank will provide the required support.


Activity Date
I. Publication of Call Guidelines August 28
II. Application Period August 28 to September 29
III. Evaluation of Applications September 30 to November 25
IV. Announcement of Call Results November 26
V. Signing of Documentation for Project Initiation November 27 to 29

Participation guidelines

Application Form

Our institution is committed to maintaining strict confidentiality of all individualized information in this form, in accordance with the applicable regulations of the issuing institute. For correct completion, it is recommended to read the application instructions and gather all the necessary information before filling out the application form.

Public Call Results

The results will be published on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.

Press releases