Statistics Database
Banco Central de Chile
Statistics in Excel
Statistics and Data
National Accounts by Institutional Sectors
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National Economy
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheet
Households and NPISHs
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Non-Financial institutions
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheets
General government
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Financial institutions
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Rest of the world
Non-financial transactions, financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Legal money by counterpart sector. Financial operations and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Deposits by counterpart sector. Financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Securities by counterpart sector. Financial operations and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Loans by counterpart sector. Financial transactions and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Shares issued by money market investment funds by counterpart sector. Financial operations and financial balance sheets
Sector Interlinkages
Shares issued by investment funds other than the money market by counterpart sector. Financial operations and financial balance sheets
Sectoral Balance Sheets