Interest rates on loans


Until March 30, 2013, elaboration by Central Bank of Chile using formulary D31 ´daily interest rates and lending operations, great Santiago´ SBIF. Since April 1, 2013, Central Bank of Chile using formulary D34 ´daily interest rates and lending operations´ (SBIF), considering only metropolitan area.

Housing loans. Corresponds to a weighted average of the effective operations in the Great Santiago agreed at UF more than three years, and mortgage loans in the following ways: residential mortgage loans, mortgage loans for housing endorsable; endorsable mortgage loans for general purposes; mortgages in mortgage and general purpose mortgage loans in mortgage finance for housing.

Commercialand Consumer. Average weighted rates of all transactions carried in the month by financial commercial banks in Chilean pesos (nominal).

Foreign trade. Average weighted rates of all transactions carried in the month by financial commercial banks in American Dollars (US$).