National Accounts

Gross domestic product by region, chained volume at previous year prices, linked series, reference 2013 (billions of chained-pesos)
Sel. Serie 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Region of Arica and Parinacota 969 979 1,027 1,060 1,123 1,114 1,107 1,052
Region of Tarapacá 3,214 3,271 3,221 3,253 3,323 3,412 3,616 3,633
Region of Antofagasta 13,843 14,436 14,453 14,049 13,596 14,674 14,672 14,604
Region of Atacama 3,736 3,460 3,446 3,562 3,434 3,379 3,266 3,175
Region of Coquimbo 3,990 3,995 3,974 4,055 4,121 4,229 4,300 4,175
Region of Valparaíso 11,379 11,417 11,691 12,032 12,283 12,074 12,009 11,244
Metropolitan Region of Santiago 57,907 59,069 60,702 61,882 62,500 64,903 65,889 60,508
Region of Libertador General Bernardo O´Higgins 6,109 6,179 6,499 6,602 6,466 6,715 6,708 6,487
Region of Maule 4,232 4,243 4,606 4,620 4,616 4,992 4,947 4,798
Region of Biobío 9,735 10,027 10,180 10,390 10,615 10,984 11,072 10,339
Region of La Araucanía 3,315 3,311 3,489 3,685 3,790 3,953 3,985 3,764
Region of Los Ríos 1,732 1,795 1,822 1,870 1,880 1,943 1,943 1,883
Region of Los Lagos 3,827 4,029 4,046 4,086 4,401 4,675 4,806 4,718
Region of Aysén of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 728 757 738 793 848 864 898 854
Region of Magallanes and of La Antártica Chilena 1,398 1,418 1,410 1,495 1,600 1,652 1,720 1,597
Regionalized sub-total 126,114 128,385 131,307 133,493 134,795 139,759 141,141 133,018
Extrarregional 74 73 91 87 76 70 70 78
VAT and import duties 11,689 11,853 12,145 12,418 12,859 13,389 13,451 12,636
Gross Domestic Product 137,876 140,312 143,545 146,001 147,730 153,217 154,660 145,734