National Accounts

Gross national disposable income, chained volume at previous year prices, reference 2018 (billions of chained-pesos)
Sel. Serie I.2013 II.2013 III.2013 IV.2013 I.2014 II.2014 III.2014 IV.2014 I.2015 II.2015 III.2015 IV.2015 I.2016 II.2016 III.2016 IV.2016 I.2017 II.2017 III.2017 IV.2017 I.2018 II.2018 III.2018 IV.2018 I.2019 II.2019 III.2019 IV.2019 I.2020 II.2020 III.2020 IV.2020 I.2021 II.2021 III.2021 IV.2021 I.2022 II.2022 III.2022 IV.2022 I.2023 II.2023 III.2023 IV.2023 I.2024 II.2024 III.2024
Gross Domestic Product 41,322 42,736 41,002 44,804 42,332 43,462 41,538 45,577 43,387 44,352 42,480 46,410 44,668 44,912 43,328 46,818 44,503 45,216 44,132 48,316 46,512 47,708 45,203 50,013 47,070 48,278 46,641 48,648 46,960 41,059 42,222 48,684 47,210 48,574 49,082 54,338 50,186 50,709 49,344 53,066 50,331 50,510 49,625 53,284 51,582 51,307 50,743
Factor income receipts from the rest of the world 1,301 1,284 1,332 1,193 1,041 1,221 1,108 1,183 1,112 1,192 1,081 1,124 1,069 1,293 1,304 1,393 1,252 1,481 1,473 1,395 1,421 1,639 1,624 1,731 1,940 2,173 1,884 1,560 787 814 832 1,089 1,182 1,641 1,653 2,561 3,039 1,627 1,902 2,883 1,995 2,065 1,616 1,778 2,199 1,809 1,995
Factor income payments to the rest of the world 2,896 3,206 3,222 3,251 3,299 3,301 2,800 2,679 2,254 2,305 2,018 2,149 2,245 2,762 2,335 2,629 2,658 3,436 3,201 3,433 3,295 3,885 3,521 3,478 3,449 4,137 3,555 3,526 3,659 3,805 3,462 4,041 4,114 4,932 4,691 5,245 3,648 5,150 4,626 5,989 3,994 4,651 4,555 4,960 5,296 5,756 5,260
Gross national product 39,725 40,809 39,107 42,740 40,067 41,376 39,843 44,083 42,256 43,251 41,558 45,400 43,502 43,445 42,309 45,593 43,102 43,257 42,403 46,275 44,638 45,463 43,307 48,263 45,561 46,313 44,970 46,682 44,083 38,063 39,587 45,728 44,272 45,282 46,036 51,626 49,429 47,203 46,596 49,948 48,277 47,884 46,658 50,074 48,459 47,364 47,461
Current transfers receipts from rest of the world 509 638 670 686 583 795 717 504 561 549 848 681 692 632 578 604 681 707 542 869 662 1,000 992 772 842 804 719 828 795 746 913 636 631 745 915 1,020 829 1,035 1,019 883 783 1,124 877 835 864 940 692
Current transfers payments to rest of the world 329 350 339 444 342 370 365 480 346 399 405 460 403 425 416 538 403 482 483 539 448 514 501 733 556 569 573 778 588 627 1,167 999 787 1,338 971 2,039 819 842 852 1,196 773 822 748 824 698 751 751
Gross national disposable income 39,905 41,099 39,440 42,985 40,309 41,804 40,198 44,107 42,472 43,401 42,006 45,622 43,793 43,653 42,471 45,656 43,381 43,482 42,460 46,607 44,852 45,947 43,796 48,304 45,847 46,549 45,116 46,732 44,291 38,182 39,330 45,360 44,115 44,700 45,976 50,627 49,420 47,367 46,735 49,633 48,269 48,159 46,766 50,065 48,603 47,530 47,387
Real gross national disposable income 39,737 40,848 39,200 42,519 39,752 41,262 39,533 43,087 41,764 42,608 40,688 44,071 42,980 42,600 41,719 45,377 42,989 43,649 43,137 47,375 45,175 46,028 43,761 47,935 45,847 46,329 44,818 46,338 43,832 38,845 40,697 47,417 46,284 47,549 48,610 53,788 51,572 48,979 47,933 51,316 51,007 50,566 48,359 51,560 51,436 50,153 49,966
Domestic demand 41,423 42,497 41,812 44,643 41,325 42,110 41,301 44,743 41,946 42,956 43,193 45,880 43,217 43,758 43,854 46,473 44,294 45,318 44,452 48,332 45,990 48,181 46,574 50,810 47,109 49,055 47,798 49,198 45,586 38,762 42,272 48,421 48,564 50,658 53,850 59,310 54,127 54,759 53,296 55,079 50,293 52,460 51,617 53,676 51,276 51,699 51,856