National Accounts

Relationship among main macroeconomic aggregates, at current prices, linked series, reference 2018 (billions of pesos)
Sel. Serie I.2013 II.2013 III.2013 IV.2013 I.2014 II.2014 III.2014 IV.2014 I.2015 II.2015 III.2015 IV.2015 I.2016 II.2016 III.2016 IV.2016 I.2017 II.2017 III.2017 IV.2017 I.2018 II.2018 III.2018 IV.2018 I.2019 II.2019 III.2019 IV.2019 I.2020 II.2020 III.2020 IV.2020 I.2021 II.2021 III.2021 IV.2021 I.2022 II.2022 III.2022 IV.2022 I.2023 II.2023 III.2023 IV.2023 I.2024 II.2024 III.2024
Gross domestic product at market prices 33,443 33,911 32,986 36,969 36,032 36,556 35,390 39,973 39,272 39,195 37,973 42,183 42,082 41,216 40,592 44,874 43,547 43,858 43,564 48,346 46,986 47,034 45,042 50,373 48,500 48,516 47,458 51,057 51,073 45,989 47,440 56,756 56,235 56,991 59,179 67,157 63,856 63,616 64,722 71,649 70,211 68,836 68,330 74,492 75,876 74,530 74,575
      Factor income receipts from the rest of the world 1,060 1,028 1,081 997 900 1,041 962 1,064 1,026 1,075 997 1,057 1,026 1,216 1,241 1,344 1,236 1,432 1,432 1,373 1,425 1,612 1,620 1,757 1,999 2,194 1,931 1,652 863 891 901 1,207 1,338 1,803 1,887 2,988 3,724 1,993 2,466 3,772 2,667 2,705 2,166 2,437 3,067 2,506 2,804
      Factor income payments to the rest of the world 2,364 2,571 2,621 2,724 2,857 2,822 2,437 2,415 2,081 2,081 1,863 2,023 2,158 2,600 2,225 2,539 2,626 3,324 3,113 3,380 3,308 3,823 3,515 3,534 3,554 4,179 3,643 3,735 4,017 4,166 3,753 4,486 4,658 5,422 5,360 6,124 4,458 6,291 5,982 7,813 5,337 6,090 6,103 6,795 7,394 7,981 7,397
Gross national product 32,139 32,368 31,446 35,242 34,074 34,775 33,914 38,623 38,217 38,189 37,107 41,217 40,950 39,832 39,608 43,680 42,157 41,966 41,883 46,338 45,104 44,822 43,147 48,597 46,946 46,532 45,746 48,974 47,919 42,713 44,587 53,478 52,915 53,372 55,706 64,020 63,123 59,318 61,206 67,608 67,541 65,451 64,393 70,134 71,549 69,055 69,981
      Current transfers receipts from rest of the world 415 511 544 574 505 679 623 454 517 494 781 639 664 594 551 583 672 684 527 855 665 985 991 785 867 813 736 877 874 818 991 707 714 819 1,045 1,191 1,015 1,267 1,320 1,154 1,046 1,470 1,173 1,142 1,202 1,299 970
      Current transfers payments to rest of the world 266 278 273 368 293 313 315 429 318 359 372 431 386 399 395 518 397 465 468 529 449 505 499 743 573 575 587 824 647 689 1,269 1,112 893 1,474 1,112 2,386 1,006 1,034 1,108 1,568 1,039 1,083 1,008 1,136 979 1,047 1,062
Gross national disposable income 32,288 32,601 31,718 35,448 34,286 35,141 34,223 38,647 38,416 38,325 37,516 41,425 41,228 40,028 39,764 43,745 42,432 42,184 41,941 46,664 45,320 45,302 43,639 48,638 47,240 46,770 45,896 49,028 48,146 42,842 44,310 53,072 52,735 52,716 55,639 62,825 63,132 59,551 61,418 67,194 67,548 65,838 64,559 70,140 71,771 69,306 69,888
      Total consumption 23,133 24,811 24,895 28,044 25,321 27,063 27,032 30,761 27,773 29,295 29,460 33,023 30,026 31,728 31,985 35,371 32,372 33,959 33,790 37,462 34,269 36,143 35,572 39,721 35,791 37,809 37,373 39,436 37,072 32,705 36,604 43,483 40,633 43,901 46,880 52,624 48,957 50,764 51,526 55,525 50,744 52,735 52,710 57,299 53,785 55,735 55,382
      Gross national savings 9,155 7,790 6,823 7,404 8,964 8,078 7,190 7,886 10,643 9,030 8,056 8,402 11,202 8,300 7,779 8,374 10,061 8,225 8,151 9,202 11,051 9,159 8,067 8,917 11,449 8,960 8,523 9,591 11,074 10,138 7,706 9,588 12,102 8,815 8,759 10,201 14,176 8,787 9,893 11,668 16,804 13,102 11,849 12,842 17,986 13,572 14,507
      External savings 1,364 1,315 2,129 1,776 1,345 692 1,564 1,501 215 362 2,249 1,650 246 1,096 1,954 1,061 1,269 1,593 1,234 855 818 2,073 2,818 2,947 1,300 2,779 3,085 3,076 1,942 -356 1,561 728 2,305 3,029 5,958 6,490 3,130 7,451 7,617 4,791 -437 2,759 4,489 3,292 -316 2,246 2,915
      Gross capital formation 10,519 9,105 8,952 9,180 10,310 8,770 8,754 9,387 10,858 9,392 10,305 10,051 11,448 9,396 9,732 9,435 11,330 9,818 9,385 10,057 11,869 11,232 10,885 11,864 12,749 11,739 11,608 12,667 13,016 9,782 9,266 10,317 14,407 11,844 14,717 16,691 17,306 16,238 17,510 16,459 16,366 15,862 16,338 16,134 17,670 15,818 17,421
      Gross fixed capital formation 8,552 8,928 9,138 9,560 9,144 9,223 8,950 10,371 9,503 9,437 10,296 11,166 10,369 9,873 9,722 10,757 9,725 9,559 9,526 11,101 10,385 10,409 10,540 12,330 11,353 11,422 11,724 13,503 12,385 9,840 10,533 12,658 12,615 12,189 14,425 16,617 15,223 15,601 17,313 18,599 16,637 16,012 16,728 17,803 17,021 17,077 18,080