National Accounts

Annual gross domestic product by region, chained volume at previous year prices, linked series, reference 2018 (billions of chained-pesos)
Sel. Serie 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
GDP, Región of Arica y Parinacota 1,244 1,278 1,319 1,332 1,399 1,427 1,406 1,317 1,531 1,637 1,597
GDP, Region of Tarapacá 3,920 4,010 4,024 3,897 4,054 4,342 4,561 4,380 4,772 4,786 4,944
GDP, Region of Antofagasta 15,634 16,233 16,192 15,386 14,941 16,011 15,997 15,691 15,574 15,582 15,948
GDP, Region of Atacama 3,560 3,697 3,676 3,804 3,789 3,707 3,514 3,531 4,010 4,009 4,095
GDP, Region of Coquimbo 5,618 5,404 5,359 5,446 5,537 5,835 5,954 5,667 6,123 6,107 6,319
GDP, Region of Valparaíso 13,341 12,986 13,033 13,434 13,649 13,703 13,663 12,840 14,152 14,891 14,913
GDP, Metropolitan Region 70,713 72,021 73,781 75,480 76,307 78,853 79,590 72,830 82,627 84,789 84,959
GDP, Region of Libertador General Bernardo OHiggins 6,838 6,982 7,360 7,522 7,434 7,868 7,819 7,522 8,227 8,250 8,086
GDP, Region of Maule 5,963 5,992 6,470 6,593 6,617 7,153 7,105 6,963 7,585 7,767 7,832
GDP, Region of Ñuble 2,439 2,433 2,560 2,704 2,678 2,864 2,870 2,764 3,093 3,171 3,161
GDP, Region of Biobío 9,714 10,086 10,348 10,502 10,750 11,272 11,426 10,803 11,792 12,081 12,798
GDP, Región de La Araucanía 4,333 4,401 4,610 4,858 4,957 5,159 5,257 5,011 5,633 5,873 5,924
GDP, Region of Los Ríos 2,071 2,154 2,238 2,315 2,349 2,455 2,472 2,371 2,610 2,677 2,662
GDP, Region of Los Lagos 4,905 5,274 5,352 5,513 5,900 6,294 6,427 6,101 6,615 6,904 7,048
GDP, Region of Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 1,099 1,138 1,077 1,079 1,190 1,222 1,235 1,128 1,163 1,202 1,247
GDP, Region of Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena 1,584 1,679 1,719 1,809 1,850 1,831 1,923 1,680 1,807 1,921 1,894
Regionalized sub-total GDP 152,820 155,584 158,923 161,592 163,391 169,996 171,218 160,606 177,018 181,055 183,023
GDP, Extrarregional 17,048 17,329 17,711 18,136 18,777 19,439 19,419 18,320 22,270 22,315 20,692
GDP 169,864 172,909 176,630 179,726 182,166 189,435 190,637 178,925 199,204 203,305 203,750