Note: Headline CPI (BCCh splice). The monthly and annual variations of this index do not coincide with the INE's official variations - useful for readjustment purposes - since these use for base year changes, the series of the previous basket. In addition, INE variations are calculated considering 12 decimal places at the product level; this information is not public. For more information, please read the notes
Delete basket
Statistics Database - Export to Excel
Excel dynamic query
Excel Add-In Installation Instructions
Press the button to Download Excel Add-In File.
Download and Open "Add.In.Setup.msi" file.
In the Wizard window, follow default instructions.
The next time you start Microsoft® Excel®, the "BCCh" tab will be displayed as shown in the following example:
Enter Start and End Year in the corresponding cells and press button OBTENER DATOS within the "BCCh" tab to execute Excel dynamic query functionality.