National Accounts

Financial transaction account of non-financial corporations, reference 2018 (billions of pesos)
Sel. Serie I.2013 II.2013 III.2013 IV.2013 I.2014 II.2014 III.2014 IV.2014 I.2015 II.2015 III.2015 IV.2015 I.2016 II.2016 III.2016 IV.2016 I.2017 II.2017 III.2017 IV.2017 I.2018 II.2018 III.2018 IV.2018 I.2019 II.2019 III.2019 IV.2019 I.2020 II.2020 III.2020 IV.2020 I.2021 II.2021 III.2021 IV.2021 I.2022 II.2022 III.2022 IV.2022 I.2023 II.2023 III.2023 IV.2023 I.2024
I. Net acquisition of financial assets 359 2,078 1,533 3,272 8,277 8,522 5,907 11,740 7,952 9,369 2,551 11,905 8,793 2,626 4,496 1,982 352 1,665 -788 6,386 3,934 -3,399 -3,052 -300 8,355 3,279 6,426 983 2,085 -8,172 629 12,055 5,470 6,315 18,090 7,932 11,977 2,801 4,084 4,639 4,290 -2,473 4,174 4,917 11,661
      Currency and deposits, assets -698 -211 -278 777 -2,047 -320 155 2,711 -2,639 455 -308 1,207 -1,070 675 202 2,812 -1,544 -2,950 980 2,150 -1,638 80 -115 2,832 -2,213 -578 1,585 -467 811 3,793 195 315 2,538 1,132 2,652 -2,127 -817 -3,005 -395 246 -785 547 1,185 2,871 3,610
            Currency and transferable deposits, assets -965 772 190 612 -72 640 -426 3,478 -2,471 516 -28 1,669 -1,270 353 83 1,996 -334 39 -594 2,053 -846 -24 -931 2,268 -1,108 664 763 2,222 -1,885 5,029 1,240 1,453 2,035 2,132 -1,528 611 -1,366 -3,292 -5,503 -1,970 -1,746 1,070 -713 4,571 393
            Other deposits, assets 268 -983 -468 165 -1,975 -960 581 -767 -168 -61 -280 -462 200 322 120 816 -1,210 -2,989 1,574 97 -792 104 815 564 -1,105 -1,242 822 -2,690 2,696 -1,236 -1,045 -1,138 504 -1,000 4,180 -2,737 549 287 5,108 2,216 961 -523 1,898 -1,701 3,217
      Securities other than shares, assets 127 -3,026 533 620 -200 516 313 -264 -363 248 -606 -425 -214 1,145 -294 -567 806 1,002 686 -743 570 593 -1,612 -646 342 582 -532 -210 401 153 625 771 -828 2,041 -1,458 -2,991 171 1,966 -4,457 1,926 2,201 88 190 725 -954
            Short-term debt securities, assets -141 142 -51 207 12 199 -58 393 -89 -7 -29 47 -57 -63 -128 8 10 205 -32 -194 201 886 -715 -31 397 187 47 -69 -97 704 1,008 -471 179 1,642 -183 -2,138 158 2,334 -2,463 203 -281 568 861 63 198
            Long-term debt securities, assets 268 -3,168 584 412 -211 317 371 -657 -275 255 -577 -471 -157 1,208 -166 -574 796 798 717 -549 370 -293 -897 -615 -55 395 -579 -140 498 -550 -384 1,242 -1,007 399 -1,275 -854 12 -368 -1,995 1,723 2,482 -481 -671 662 -1,152
      Financial derivatives, assets 174 -49 305 106 211 126 12 49 -102 56 88 31 320 -90 92 344 -43 221 -91 118 -45 419 300 -172 445 -587 -647 163 373 293 495 616 523 101 -76 427 766 -384 739 -1,166 -241 -1,164 -1,499 -1,469 -730
      Loans, assets 445 252 200 -455 138 851 342 -76 964 980 6,562 -1,565 157 220 507 266 357 152 142 -220 191 -3,432 366 -97 104 -482 95 -35 690 115 782 239 923 26 410 429 510 38 858 97 -49 -33 358 254 143
            Short-term loans, assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 -1 1 -1 3 -1 -2 0 0 -1 1 2 0 3 2 -4 0 1 2 2 1
            Long-term loans, assets 445 251 200 -455 138 851 342 -76 964 980 6,561 -1,565 157 220 507 266 357 152 142 -220 189 -3,432 366 -97 101 -481 94 -35 687 115 784 239 923 27 410 428 510 35 856 101 -49 -34 356 252 141
      Shares and other equity, assets -317 3,706 515 582 3,597 4,797 2,549 7,241 6,737 3,295 -350 4,484 4,703 2,045 4,386 3,567 -2,483 2,785 -1,268 111 5,030 526 -772 929 4,848 2,851 193 -3,678 -307 -2,534 581 75 -1,847 -1,813 3,123 5,985 6,718 998 1,922 -3,672 7,057 2,251 -4 468 2,410
            Shares, excluding mutual funds shares, assets -300 3,271 431 219 3,590 3,852 2,563 6,920 5,914 3,477 -511 4,945 3,963 1,657 4,162 3,416 -3,062 1,804 -1,072 218 4,087 -270 -1,042 1,177 3,609 1,519 204 -1,980 -902 -3,339 450 483 -3,128 -851 3,327 6,320 6,440 1,466 241 -4,854 4,370 -92 -2,843 -332 670
            Units issued by active money market investment funds 9 555 -3 272 -564 109 -38 469 117 187 135 488 260 -23 -257 524 830 24 508 -993 1,390 206 -968 -122 558 471 219 1,654 1,479 949 -205 -1,112 -775 -569 739 490 -600 317 315 234 2,059 1,628 3,236 1,345 2,033
            Units issued by investment funds other than money market assets -26 -119 87 91 572 837 24 -148 706 -369 26 -949 480 410 481 -373 -251 957 -704 885 -447 590 1,238 -126 681 861 -230 -3,352 -885 -145 336 704 2,056 -393 -943 -824 878 -785 1,366 949 628 714 -397 -546 -292
      Insurance technical reserves, assets 6 8 5 8 5 11 2 7 5 23 8 3 1 6 1 11 6 17 5 9 7 3 6 21 14 7 -10 47 -8 -43 -18 25 -2 -18 34 47 25 11 24 9 -21 -23 25 -7 10
            Reserves for premiums and claims, assets 6 8 5 8 5 11 2 7 5 23 8 3 1 6 1 11 6 17 5 9 7 3 6 21 14 7 -10 47 -8 -43 -18 25 -2 -18 34 47 25 11 24 9 -21 -23 25 -7 10
      Other accounts receivable 622 1,397 253 1,633 6,572 2,541 2,533 2,072 3,350 4,311 -2,843 8,170 4,895 -1,375 -398 -4,452 3,253 438 -1,240 4,961 -181 -1,587 -1,225 -3,168 4,815 1,485 5,743 5,163 124 -9,949 -2,031 10,014 4,162 4,846 13,405 6,162 4,604 3,177 5,393 7,198 -3,873 -4,138 3,918 2,076 7,172
II. Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (I-III) -4,151 -2,690 -4,952 -2,890 -3,664 -2,409 -3,805 -2,253 -1,640 -1,067 -3,639 -1,384 -2,289 -2,004 -2,305 -967 -2,257 -2,420 -1,296 -95 -2,191 -3,430 -4,363 -3,455 -3,298 -4,536 -3,558 -2,973 -3,985 -1,492 -112 2,289 -2,499 -1,760 -2,396 -6,250 -2,869 -11,729 -7,421 -2,927 -2,882 -3,301 -4,388 -1,215 -948
III. Net incurrence of liabilities 4,510 4,768 6,485 6,162 11,941 10,931 9,712 13,993 9,592 10,436 6,190 13,289 11,082 4,630 6,801 2,949 2,610 4,085 508 6,480 6,125 32 1,310 3,155 11,653 7,815 9,984 3,956 6,070 -6,680 741 9,766 7,969 8,075 20,487 14,182 14,846 14,530 11,505 7,566 7,172 828 8,562 6,132 12,609
      Securities other than shares, liabilities 486 61 624 1,678 -277 355 2,513 1,376 500 743 1,262 -464 -169 -338 611 1,001 550 394 1,039 -196 -85 1,352 446 725 -394 1,972 1,543 836 2,420 2,459 869 -523 310 102 2,557 359 1,128 970 -143 292 706 366 1,092 -11 2,011
            Short-term securities other than shares, liabilities 0 -44 -16 7 -5 -3 -3 0 11 -12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
            Long-term securities other than shares, liabilities 486 105 640 1,671 -272 358 2,516 1,376 490 755 1,262 -464 -169 -338 611 1,001 550 394 1,039 -196 -85 1,352 446 725 -394 1,972 1,543 836 2,420 2,459 869 -526 310 102 2,560 359 1,128 970 -143 292 706 366 1,092 -11 2,009
      Loans, liabilities 1,161 2,183 2,777 2,103 2,308 1,867 582 4,304 110 1,359 5,824 1,552 2,337 2,127 1,126 1,730 104 716 976 1,715 2,989 -1,561 1,704 1,458 1,647 2,921 1,836 2,817 4,323 7,844 1,786 -1,944 1,526 609 3,103 836 5,859 4,346 3,248 -943 61 2,247 1,568 1,918 414
            Short-term loans, liabilities 56 71 40 -691 304 -163 -648 -122 -389 82 -504 -101 398 223 -222 -526 -159 703 -143 1,078 493 -28 79 -365 158 892 -390 -376 -451 -419 -333 -1,439 364 307 -938 126 1,517 2,986 803 -1,857 716 1,015 -271 -888 -134
            Long-term loans, liabilities 1,105 2,112 2,737 2,794 2,004 2,030 1,230 4,426 499 1,277 6,328 1,652 1,939 1,904 1,347 2,256 263 12 1,119 637 2,495 -1,533 1,625 1,823 1,488 2,029 2,226 3,193 4,774 8,263 2,119 -505 1,162 303 4,042 710 4,343 1,360 2,445 914 -655 1,233 1,839 2,806 549
      Shares and other equity, liabilities 2,848 2,214 1,924 1,354 5,116 5,276 2,991 6,243 5,636 3,429 1,073 4,953 3,969 1,757 3,826 3,463 -1,538 868 -83 2,534 4,344 1,203 1,183 1,703 4,581 180 1,594 -1,461 971 -3,147 23 1,474 1,425 1,438 3,512 2,693 3,374 3,370 1,625 4,887 6,148 363 1,833 1,280 3,305
                  Quoted shares 3,735 346 363 777 134 241 138 14 103 30 10 17 96 19 374 488 4,530 46 54 0 132 681 5 411 20 1,142 2,196 0 0 0 0 0 8 15 12 19 0 10 0 1,733 25 0 35 0 0
                  Unquoted shares and other equity -887 1,868 1,562 577 4,982 5,035 2,853 6,228 5,533 3,400 1,063 4,936 3,873 1,738 3,452 2,974 -6,068 822 -137 2,533 4,212 522 1,178 1,293 4,562 -961 -601 -1,461 971 -3,147 23 1,473 1,417 1,424 3,500 2,674 3,374 3,361 1,625 3,154 6,123 363 1,798 1,280 3,305
      Other accounts payable 16 310 1,159 1,026 4,795 3,432 3,625 2,071 3,346 4,905 -1,969 7,248 4,944 1,084 1,239 -3,244 3,493 2,108 -1,425 2,428 -1,123 -962 -2,023 -731 5,819 2,741 5,010 1,765 -1,644 -13,837 -1,937 10,760 4,708 5,925 11,315 10,294 4,485 5,843 6,774 3,330 257 -2,148 4,069 2,944 6,879